There is so much hype out there regarding protein, how much to eat, when to eat it, and what type to eat that it can be incredibly overwhelming.

Well lets just get right to it. At Refresh Your Plate we know our bodies need protein, period.

Protein is one of the most important factors when it comes to your body composition and making changes to it. What used to be only common knowledge to body builders and physique athletes is now slowly being understood everywhere that in order to have a healthy metabolism we all need protein, and a significant amount at that. 

Whatever your goals are, you need protein!

  • Trying to lose weight, you need protein. 
  • Trying to gain weight, you need protein. 
  • Trying to maintain your weight, you need protein. 

It’s essential to everything our body does and frankly, we can’t live without protein. 

In short, proteins are made up of amino acids, the building blocks of life. When we consume protein, our body breaks down the protein we eat into individual amino acids. 

These proteins and amino acids are then used to produce important molecules in our body. 

Things like enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and anti-bodies and without adequate protein intake, our bodies just don’t function well at all. 

I know, that last bit was confusing. But to make it simple, our bodies won’t function optimally without protein in it. We must replenish our protein stores each day or we frankly won’t feel good.

We all want that vibrant and healthy body that recovers quickly and never gets sick. Well, adequate protein intake is the first step in the line of defense in making that happen! 

  • Cut cravings and reduce the desire for late night snacking.
  • Reduces appetite and makes you consume fewer calories by keeping you feeling full longer.
  • Helps prevent muscle loss and metabolic slowdown 
  • Improves immune system function and our ability to repair damage cells.

Eating tons of processed foods and catching every single cold and stomach bug out there?? Try eating more protein! 

How much do I need? 

Eating protein dense foods at each meal is the first step in ensuring you are eating an adequate amount of protein. 

Here’s what it looks like: 

  • A portion size of protein is roughly about the size of your palm. This usually equates to between 20 and 30 grams of protein per serving. 
  • Women should aim for 1 palm of protein dense food with each meal. 
  • Men should aim for 2 palm size portions of protein dense food with each meal.  

Now, every body is different and every palm size is different. Have bigger hands and a bigger body? You need more protein than a person with smaller hands and smaller body. 

The most important part of choosing your portion sizes is listening to your body and learning to make adjustment accordingly. 

We believe that one of the most important steps in getting your plate (and portions) right is listening to your body, asking yourself a few key questions and making adjustments accordingly.  

  • Am I still feeling hungry after my meals?
  • Do I need to add a meal?
  • Can I adjust my portions to combat this hunger?

These decisions can be based on hunger, fullness, preferences, goals, overall activity level and (most importantly), RESULTS!

Pay attention to your portion sizes, your hunger and fullness cues and those results and adjust your portion sizes accordingly!

Before you know it, you’ll be reaching for snacks less and it will be second nature. We’d love to hear in the comments your favorite way to incorporate protein into your life!