Wait, what?

“I thought we weren’t supposed to eat that many carbs??”

“Carbs are bad right?”

“Wait, I was told carbs make me fat!”

WRONG, excess calories (food) in any form is what makes you gain weight. Not just carbs! We’ve literally heard it all. Are you as frustrated as we’ve been?!?!? Let’s take a second to set the record straight!

Just like every other food we consume, anything in excessive amounts isn’t going to be good for you. The problem usually lies either in HOW a person prepares them, or how MUCH they choose to eat. Carbs in excessive amounts, continually will lead to weight gain. But so will consuming excess amounts of protein and fat!

But before we get to that let’s talk a little bit about these delicious carbohydrates, why we should all eat them and what are the best sources!

What are Carbohydrates?

There are three classes of carbohydrates:

  • Sugars: Individual sugar molecules or short chains of sugar molecules. These include glucose, fructose, galactose and sucrose
  • Starches: Longer chains of carbohydrate molecules that need to be broken down in the digestive system.
  • Fiber: Carbohydrates that the body cannot digest

The primary function of carbs is to provide the body with energy. From there we can break carbohydrates down into:

  • Complex carbs: Carbs found in whole, unprocessed foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  • Simple carbs: Sugars and starches that have been refined and stripped of their natural fiber and nutrients.

In short, complex carbs are found in unprocessed and unrefined foods. Simple carbs are found in refined foods and provide our bodies with little nutritional value. This is important to know because…

Not all carbs are created equal!

While we won’t get into the difference between white rice and brown rice in this blog post, we will tell you a bit about the benefits of complex carbs over simple.

  • Complex carbs are less likely to cause blood sugar spikes, decrease in energy and are digested slower, which in turn provides sustained energy and helps you feel full longer!
  • Complex carbs may reduce your risk of some chronic diseases as they are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.
  • Research suggests that eating whole foods high in fiber may lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol!
  • May reduce inflammation & Promote a healthier digestive system.

Simple carbs can wreak havoc on your system!

While we all love those sweet desserts and tasty treats, over consumption of simple carbs like refined grains and added sugars can negatively affect your body. But we’ll talk more about that later and why we avoid simple carbs as much as possible. For now, try your best to limit simple carbs as much as possible!

Why should I eat complex carbs?

  • Research suggests the brain requires approximately 130 grams of carbohydrates daily to optimally function.
  • By consuming some carbs at each meal we tend to make our meals more satisfying and more consistent. This eliminates the need to figure out which meals I should eat carbs at and which I shouldn’t. If we keep it predictable and consistent, our bodies love that!
  • It is just fine to have some carb free meals as well. Want a salad, that’s just fine. But don’t be going all day without those carbs! The more active you are, the more carbs you need to fuel your activity and recover.
  • If you are an avid athlete, consuming carbs after exercise to replenish your stores helps to balance hormones and keep your system moving smoothly!

What Carbohydrates are best for me?

Eating carbohydrates that are in their WHOLE food form is always going to be the very best you can do. Foods like:

  • Fresh fruit
  • Sweet potatoes & potatoes
  • Brown rice & quinoa
  • Beans and legumes
  • Whole grain bread and oatmeal

Not only are these foods whole and real, they are packed full of nutrients that our body recognizes and can process in an efficient matter. We know that those processed carbohydrate choices are one of the hardest to avoid, but are most beneficial to our health when we swap out processed foods for whole, real options.

How do I know if I am getting enough?

You remember the old Food Guide Pyramid? You know, the one that told you to have the MOST carbs (50-55% of your calories). Then in the late 90’s and early 2000’s the market exploded with the Atkins and South Beach Diets that pretty much told everyone to eat little to NO carbs.

Today the nutrition world is blowing up with the idea of eating Paleo (take out all grains), some even saying Keto (which is super high levels of fats, and low levels of protein and carbs). Are you confused yet?!?

At Refresh Your Plate we know our bodies need a significant amount of carbs for not only daily function but to maintain a healthy mind, body and lifestyle. Here’s what we know.

  • Women should aim for 1 cupped handful of carbohydrate dense foods at every meal.
  • Men should aim for 2 cupped handfuls of carbohydrate dense foods at every meal.

The specific amount of carbohydrates you should eat really depends on your body size, type, and physical needs. How much you exercise and any digestive issues you may have also play a role in how much carbohydrates your body needs and can process efficiently.

The key to carbs is learning to listen to your body and be mindful of what and how much you are eating. Making adjustments based on those observations is what leads to lasting lifestyle changes and a positive impact on your health.

As always, if you want to learn more, be coached by ladies who have been where you are, join us in Plate Changers where we talk all about food, how to live a healthier life and simplify the process along the way!

—-Kristin & Chris